Monday, April 16, 2012

Living Alone

I am going to shift the content of this blog a bit. I think there are enough of us living alone now days that we need to share some tips and survival techniques.

I am living alone by choice. If you have found yourself alone not by choice, and are miserable first you need to change your perception of the situation you are in. Chances are your "other" has given you a gift you will not appreciate right away, however as time passes and the hurt subsides you will see that this person has given you the gift of self discovery among other things. They have saved you the grief of things like fighting over the bed covers, listening to them bitching about things like the dishes not being done, the house not being cleaned, the kids being too loud, the lawn not being mowed, as well as all the picky little shit that makes you stand there and say to your self "seriously???"

That said the only 2 disadvantages I can say I have is that when I need to move something heavy I have to search out another warm body from someplace. The other concern is that if I should drop dead nobody would probably find me for days. The upside to that is the cost savings for my family as an open casket will not be an option. One simple service, plant me like a tomato, and its a done deal.

Think of all the things you can do when you do not have to worry about someone else in the house. You can run from the bathroom after a shower to get your clothes and nobody cares, you can leave dishes in the sink until morning and nobody will give you shit about it. You can sleep til noon and nobody is bitching their breakfast is not made. You are no longer the recipient of someone else's lack of planning trying to turn it into a crisis on your part. Gosh! I do not miss that!

You can eat the things you like instead of cooking what others like. I went for years without eating and cooking dishes I liked because nobody in the house liked it. Never again.

I have found a freedom living alone I have never found before. Now, all that said I know there are those of you out there that are whining, "but I just can't live by myself, I have never lived by myself, I need somebody in the house with me". People....yes you can live by yourself, Get a dog or cat if you need something alive to clean up after besides your self. They are companions that appreciate you for who you are, and what you do for them.

Living alone has some challenges. Grocery shopping, around the crib maintainance, dealing with idiots like neighbors and door to door sales people, home security, ect. We will address these in the next post.

For now take a deep breath and give a sigh of relief that you finally have your place all to your self!

We're all in this together, as Red Green so eloquently puts it...