Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Has everybody looked at hundreds of work at home ads yet?

In 1998 I bought my second computer (my first was a Tandy EX I bought in 1980, but the Internet was not public yet so it was not Internet compatible) and so began my Internet search for a job I could do from home. I was a single parent making minimum wage and it was not working for me. So for 12 years I have been searching for something I could do from home that would pay me instead of shoving out all kinds of money to make it work. As a result of my single parent status and being scammed at an incredible rate my credit is shot. The upside is that I do not have to bother with identity theft insurance because any thief that steals my identity will be in for a big surprise..I wish I could only be there to see it. As a result of my years of searching I can tell ya what definatly does not work, and provide some leads for working from home. I have to say though that if it promises instant riches and their is no sweat investment - run - run as fast as you can!!

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