Keeping in mind that some things draw electric even if they are turned off; chargers for the electric drill and cell phone for example, as well as the microwave because mine has the LED clock. My printer, although in the saver mode must be drawing something for the on/off button to blink to let me know it is on power saver mode.
So I went around plug by plug and realized that I was being nickel and dimmed to death. Perhaps some of you are too.I went around and unplugged everything except the computers and the frig (the water pump is wired directly to the breaker box). I unplugged chargers, adapters, TVs, radio's, the dish box, the microwave, coffee maker, anything that might draw electric...or not.
What I discovered is that for the two dozen things I unplugged in a week I have plugged only maybe 6 back in and of the 6 I can unplug them every night before I go to bed, or after I am done using it. I have no idea what I was leaving all that other stuff plugged in for. Since when my electric was restored it blew up my larger TV I am using the portable TV and I am sure it uses less electric than the larger one.
All my clocks are now battery operated, and the alarm clock is a wind up. A little exercise never hurt anyone. I bought a solar flood light and it is mounted on my back door. I bought a set of the string solar yard lights and mounted the solar panel in the side of my back room, drilled a small hole in the wall and sent the wire through the wall, attached the lights in the back room so that at night I can see when I come home. I do not have to leave a light on for hours while I am gone at night. They do not give a 60 watt bright light, but you can see where you are going so you do not fall over the cat or dog trying to get into the house. Did you ever notice how the cat or dog looks at you when that happens?
Another thing I have started to do is go to bed when it gets dark. I know that sounds kind of mid evil but I find that I am getting a good nights sleep because I am going to bed at a reasonable hour and I am not up til 11pm with all the lights burning. In the winter it is a little impractical when it gets dark at 4:30pm, but as the farmer says's you gotta make hay when the sun is shining, aka. save the bucks when you can.
I wash all my clothes in cold water now. I found with the new laundry detergents out there washing in hot water in almost any case is a waste of energy. I also hang my clothes on a clothes line when ever possible and do laundry when the weather is fair. I also never do anything but a full load. The washer exerts the same amount of energy for a low load as it does for a full one and I am out to the the biggest bang for my buck.
I do not run the AC unless my indoor thermometer reads 90 degrees. I open the windows and run a fan when it is below that. I realize that there are people who may have a lower temp tolerance, but my point is know what you can tolerate and use it as a point of reference.
When it comes to my computer I do not always shut it completely down at night. Since I make my living on a computer I have a extensive amount of information on it and it can take up to 20 minutes for it to start up and load. Once or twice a week I take the plunge and shut it down to reboot, and when I do this I do it at night so it will be off all night. The monitors do get unplugged each night as well as the printer and other accessories.
With these changes I have gone from $150.00 a month to under $90.00 a month. Yes it is a little bit of work to remember to shut everything off at night, and yes there have been nights where I have crawled into bed, got comfortable, and almost asleep when I realize I left something plugged in. And yes I get up and go unplug it. I have gotten used to the extra cash in my pocket and I am not giving it up!
....we're all in this together
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