Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Chesapeake Energy Pulls DEC/EPA Application

Well, Chesapeake Energy has pulled their app to the DEC for the waste water well in Pulteney. I'd like to say it was the end of the subject, but really it is not. As a town we need to make sure that we are not a target in the future. I guess one lesson learned here is that you can't run over a country hick with out getting a flat tire no matter how big your truck is. I do thank Chesapeake for seeing the light and doing the right thing for our area.

So Governor Patterson is trying to hold back our tax refunds now. I guess I will change my withholding status this year. I do not think next years tax season will be any better will you? What has this guy got against the citizens of the state of New York? Why does he lay in bed at night thinking on how to burn the taxpayers? We did not get the state in this situation. I depend on that refund as seed money to help get the bait business off the ground his spring. Hell, we do not need business here in New York, do we Mr. Patterson? You can just keep bleeding the taxpayers. I have $46.00 to last me two weeks for food. Can you live on that because that is what you leave me with every two weeks. I think somebody ought to strip you of everything but the clothes on your back and drop you off in the middle of nowhere, and hopefully we can fix this mess before you find your way back. And you can take all your "aids" with you. Since you are blind it occurs to me that you have no idea what you are signing....only what they tell you that you are signing. I could not trust my ex-husband when we were married to be honest about what I was signing, and we could both see the paper to read it.

I spoke with the DEC yesterday about selling fish again out of the bait machine. Since the fish tracking laws went into effect a receipt is needed for the angler when they buy fish to certify they are healthy. Since the bait machine does not give a receipt they were very helpful in how I can sell the fish without the receipt. I was considering this option until I got word on the news we can about kiss our refunds good-by. Keeping up with staying behind is getting to be more and more work every day.

Have a good one.

P.S. I am still waiting for my phone from TracFone.

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