Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How do you feel about drilling for natural gas?

Well a lot has happened in the last 2 weeks to my little town in upstate New York. One day your looking out at the snow and thinking about how you might want to make a list of seeds to buy for the garden this year and the next minute As I look at my property tax bill I can't decide if I should pay it because if they get their way like they did in Texas all my animals will die, my water well will be contaminated and I will become sick along with all my neighbors as it happened there. I have a lease with this company, they pay me $6.00 a year, yes, six dollars a year to lease the property because it boarders on a well that they will never get gas out of. Since they started drilling around me I have had to re-drill my water well 3 times because when they "Blew" the gas wells around me it collapsed the well and trapped the submerged pump in the well, leaving it useless. About $10,000 later I have a good operational water well, no thanks to Chesapeake Energy. And no...they would not help pay for it...not a dime. The real kicker is that if you want to put a septic system in around here they put you through so much grief that people just give up and move on, yet, here they are wanting to dump toxic-radio active waste water into a 6000 foot abandoned gas well so it will seep into Keuka Lake, as well as my an my neighbors water wells. We grow grapes here for wine and grape juice. It is distributed all over the world. (Welches, Canandaigua Wine Company, Pleasant Valley Wine Company, plus any others). How would you feel about feeding your child grape juice from this area if they are successful? Would you look at your glass of wine at dinner differently? Our new sister city might as well be Chernobyl. So, is there anybody out there who prefers to live like this and thinks natural gas is worth it? I don't.

Citizens Against Watewater Disposal Well within ONE MILE of Keuka Lake:!/group.php?gid=248752108132&ref=nf

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